September 7, 2023

Listings By Launching On Product Hunt 9/22

Be the first to learn about the new way to communicate online business information to intelligent agents, Listings by

The rise of chatbots and virtual assistants like ChatGPT, Alexa and Google Assistant has led to new opportunities for businesses to share information and interact with potential customers. However, a major challenge has been finding an easy, standardized way to communicate key business details like locations, hours and contact info to these AI agents.

That's about to change with the launch of Listings by on Product Hunt on September 22, 2023.

Created by, Listings provides a simple centralized platform for businesses to publish structured data about their company in a format that chatbots can easily understand. With just a single link, any business can make details about their locations, hours, phone numbers, website and any other online information, articles, SEC filings and files to assist conversational AI agents.

By using and other markup standards, Listings by ensures the information can be easily interpreted by most chatbots and virtual assistants. And for developers building bots and AI systems, the platform provides a reliable data source to populate their solutions with accurate business info.

For small businesses, sharing your basic listings info to Listings is free and only takes a few minutes. There are also opportunities for premium verified listings to allow businesses to be discovered by customers interacting with AI assistants.

As more of our interactions and searches happen via voice and chat, aims to bridge the gap between digital assistants and the physical world. Be sure to check it out when it launches on Product Hunt on 9/22 and helps bring conversational AI to local businesses everywhere.