Submit a Listing

Quickly add your company details for inclusion in the Open AI Directory for free. After completing this form, your company will be reviewed and verified. You will be able to submit your listing quickly to new AI directories and verify the services from your business that Directors and user Agents can book.

Company Information
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Directory Owners

Frequently asked questions

How do I verify a company's information and location?

If you own a single or multi-location business and want to verify your Name, Address and Phone number, simply follow the instructions on the link above that says "Verify Your Business >>".

If you are starting a Directory, your Assistant should be able to guide you through drafting companies into your industry or community Directory and how to verify those listings!

What if I don't have any experience with AI?

That's ok! Most of the world doesn't. That is why we exist! Our training programs are built to take you from 0 to your desired level of competence in working with LLMs, Transformers, Agents and how to use them to accomplish amazing things for your business and community.

How do I make money as a directory owner?

By providing valuable machine learning services to your listings that drive real business results. The ML services on the Directories.AI platform are self serve and the listing-facing platform extensible for other courses, services and products you may want to offer your niche.